NMDB data used in other research

One of the goals of NMDB is to make Neutron Monitor data easily available. This has lead to researchers from fields not directly related to cosmic rays to use Neutron Monitor data for their research. Some examples of this are listed under other research. If you are using NMDB data please let us know, so we can add your research to this list. This shows again how important it is to continue NMDB and keep Neutron Monitors funded also in the future.

  • Dosimetry for airplane personel at IRSN and Paris Observatory, DLR, Globalog
  • Space Weather Alerts at NOOA
  • integrated Space Weather Analysis at CCMC
  • Cosmic Rays and Climate
  • Cosmic Ray - cloud connections
  • Cosmic Rays and the geomagnetic field
  • using source-corrected, fast neutrons to indicate local soil moisture via hydrogen induced neutron moderation website publication
  • soil moisture monitoring network in Australia (CosmOz)
  • Soil moisture measurements at UFZ Leipzig
  • soil moisture monitoring network in UK
  • Soil moisture, snow and interception measurements at University of Potsdam
  • Nowcast of Aerospace Ionizing Radiation System NAIRAS
  • SWARM (SWIMMR Aviation Risk Modelling) MAIRE-S model for nowcasting the radiation environment for the aviation sector, PI: Professor Keith Ryden
  • EDF Cosmic-Ray Snow Sensors